
HVLA Bylaws

Revised August 2022

I. The name of this Association shall be the Hudson Valley Library Association (HVLA).

II. HVLA provides a network for librarians primarily in independent schools in New York City and the greater metro area. HVLA serves to enrich professional practice, and in turn the lives of students and colleagues.

Through regular meetings, professional development opportunities and an active digital forum, we learn from one another how to best serve our specific school populations and support their ever-changing needs as readers, creators, and consumers of information.

  1. Membership
    A. Individual membership shall be open to all library personnel– past, present and future.
    B. Dues shall be set by the board, in consultation with the membership. They shall be revised according to the needs of the organization as reflected in decisions by the board.

III. Officers

  • The officers shall be a President, two Vice Presidents (preferably representing different grade levels), a Secretary, a Membership and Financial Coordinator, and a Communications Coordinator.
  • The officers shall serve in a single capacity for a term of two years. Of the six officers, three will rotate off each year. The President and the  Membership & Financial Coordinator should rotate off in alternate years.
  • Officers shall be elected at or prior to the final meeting of the school year by a simple majority of voting members.
  • If the President is unable to complete their full term, the Vice President with the longest service will become President. The Vice Presidential vacancy and all other premature vacancies shall be filled by a special election at the next regular meeting of the Association. The new officer shall fill out the remainder of the term vacated.
  • The new officers shall be installed and take over their duties as the last item of business during the final board meeting of the school year.
  • The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
    • The President shall
      1. conduct all meetings;
      2. be the official speaker or contact person for the Association;
      3. guide the Association in all matters;
      4. delegate suitable authority to the other officers;
      5. and carry out the will of the membership.
    • The Vice Presidents shall
      1. act as program coordinator;
      2. conduct meetings in the absence of the President;
      3. and perform all duties specifically allotted to them.
    • The Secretary shall
      1. record minutes of the meetings;
      2. maintain current and past records;
      3. update membership on organizational decisions;
    • The Membership & Financial Coordinator shall: 
      1. compile and duplicate an up-to-date membership list;
      2. promote HVLA to current or inactive members;
      3. have custody and keep accurate records of the Associations funds;
      4. provide a financial and membership report annually to HVLA membership at the winter meeting.
    • The Communications Coordinator shall
      1. manage HVLA’s digital presence, including responding to emails and maintaining the HVLA website;
      2. maintain the listserv with the assistance of the Membership & Financial Coordinator;
      3. publish an annual Membership Directory.
  • Committees and Special Assignments
    1. Other committees may be appointed by any of the officers as needed.
    2. Committee lists shall be maintained by the Communications Coordinator on the HVLA website.
  • Board Elections
    1. Members in good standing (defined as one year or more of membership, and current on membership dues) may nominate themselves or others for consideration.
    2. Nominees will submit a statement of interest to be shared with the membership. Ballots will circulate prior to the final membership meeting of the year, where new board members will be announced.

IV. Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held periodically during the school year.
  2. One half plus one of the members present shall constitute a simple majority.
  3.  All matters not provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws shall be decided by a vote of the membership at the regular meetings, a special meeting, or by email. A simple majority shall carry the vote.