As I started this school year I set myself some goals (Full disclosure: It was required, there was a form to fill out, I am not a motivational goddess.) I picked some attainable goals and patted myself on the back. But then I also decided to set myself a difficult goal.  Get comfortable reading at work. To up the difficulty factor, my goal is not just to read at work, but to be seen reading at work. Aack.  

To non-librarians, this goal seems absurdly simple. After all, isn’t reading our job? And yet, when I read in the library I often feel like I’m indulging. If someone sees me reading, I frequently blather on about how funny it is that I never usually read, even though, hahaha, I’m the librarian. There’s something so overwhelming, so outrageous about our culture’s notion of what busyness looks like. In order to be busy I’m supposed to always be on a computer, looking somewhat stressed, and commenting frequently about how busy I am. Fie upon that. I am librarian, hear me roar. I will read! I will be seen reading! And I will enjoy it! Continue reading “GOOOAAALLL!”

Constance’s List: Summer of Learning Professional Development

By: Constance Vidor, Director of Library Services, Friends Seminary, NYC

Being an educator gives you entree to a glorious world of summertime learning. Some of the very best opportunities are free or very low-cost–and priceless. This list is comprised almost entirely of programs I have participated in or that colleagues have recommended to me. They are all open to full time K-12 librarians. Many of them are competitive, but as a librarian you will often be seen as someone who brings something unique to the experience. If you know of something I should have included, please email me at and I will add it. Continue reading “Constance’s List: Summer of Learning Professional Development”

Fall Meeting 2018: Recap

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HVLA’s Fall Meeting showcased new books for children and young adults from several New York City based publishers. In addition, keynote speaker Mark Siegel shared about the process for creating the 5 Worlds graphic novel series. The meeting was hosted at Nightingale-Bamford’s Middle/Upper School library space. Continue reading “Fall Meeting 2018: Recap”

Meet Our New Board Members

Patricia Markert was born and grew up in Syracuse, New York. She was educated in Catholic schools her whole life until she left Georgetown University in her sophomore year, and transferP. Aakre 4.18red to the University of Iowa, where she studied English, continued her French major, and took writing classes with Denis Johnson, Marvin Bell, and other poets. She moved to New York City where she worked in publishing for over ten years, mostly at McGraw Hill. She began her library career with a “lone ranger” position at the Town School, teaching pre-K through eighth grade classes, managing all A-V requests, and processing catalog Continue reading “Meet Our New Board Members”